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Terms of Service

Terms of Service

Version 1. Effective date: 1 September 2018

1. Introduction

The courses available through the Work Ready Training websites are provided by Work Ready Training (‘WRT’). The Pest Technician ourse and Timber Pest course - Working in Industry are provided under a third party agreement with Rentokil Initial Pty Ltd, Registered Training Organisation no. 40919 (Rentokil).

References to the ‘Course Provider’ mean both WRT and Rentokil if you are enrolling on or are a student of any of the Pest Technician Courses. Otherwise it means WRT.

WRT may update, vary or amend these terms of service at any time, and the revised terms of service will apply from the date they are published on the WRT websites. WRT will notify current students of any major changes to its terms of service by email.

2. Additional definitions

‘Course Timeframe’ - means the amount of time you have to complete an online course. This is 365 days from the date you purchased the course, unless stated otherwise in the online course description.
‘Course Expiry Date’ - means the date your course enrolment expires. It is 365 days from the date you purchased the course, unless stated otherwise in the online course description.

3. Course prerequisites

You must meet the following requirements (‘Course Prerequisites’) before you can enrol on our courses. You must:

  • Be 18 years old or over.
  • Pass a Language Literacy and Numeracy (‘LLN’) test.
  • Provide a Unique Student Identifier (‘USI’) number (Pest Technician Courses only).
  • Provide photographic proof of your identity.

If for any reason you have commenced a course, but fail to meet these requirements, you accept that WRT reserves the right to immediately suspend your access to the course until the requirements are met. If you fail to meet the course prerequisites within fifteen business days of a request to do so or before the Course Expiry Date, WRT may withdraw you from the course without further notice.

4. Your responsibilities

As a student of WRT you agree to the following:

  • You will provide your USI (if applicable)
  • You will provide documents to verify your identity (if applicable).
  • You will contribute to learning in a harmonious and positive manner irrespective of gender, race, sexual preference, political affiliation, marital status, disability or religious belief
  • You will participate in the course with a view to achieving completion within the Course Timeframe.
  • To be honest and respectful, which includes not falsifying work or information and not conducting yourself in any way that may cause injury or offence to others.
  • You will not undertake activities which may cause injury to yourself or others 
  • You agree that the assessment responses you submit will be your own work and where relevant, written in your own words.
  • You give consent to the Course Provider to make any enquiries necessary to verify the information disclosed in your enrolment form and/or online induction.
  • You agree to pay the course fees (plus GST if applicable) for the course.
  • You accept that you are required to pay the full amount of the course fees even if you do not successfully complete the course or fail to advise WRT of your wish to withdraw from the course.
  • You accept that in the event that you do not complete the course within the given Course Timeframe your course will be immediately suspended and access to your course denied.

5. Our responsibilities

Upon receipt of the course fee and completion of any Course Prerequisites, WRT agrees to:

  • Provide a tax invoice
  • Provide you with access to the online course materials, assessment instructions and assessments throughout your enrolment
  • Mark and provide feedback on any submitted assessment tasks
  • Provide trainer support throughout your enrolment on an accredited course; and
  • Issue or arrange for the issue of a certificate or statement of attainment upon competent completion of an accredited course if applicable and subject to section 13 below.

6. Course

You acknowledge the following, in relation to the course:

  • Online courses are considered to have commenced once a student has completed the course induction section of a course, or if there is no course induction section, on commencing the first module of the course.
  • Course enrolment is considered to be complete when the student has commenced the course and has met the Course Prerequisites.
  • Online access to course modules is incremental. You must complete the modules in order and you will be given access to new modules once you successfully complete the module before it.
  • The course is non-transferable once the student has commenced the course.

7. Course fees

  • In order to meet the requirements of fee protection for students, WRT will only collect up to $1,300 in fees in one instance, before, during or after enrolment.
  • For all course fees over $1,300, you will make an initial payment of $1,300 with a second payment made within one (1) month of the first payment. For the purposes of the Course Timeframe and Course Expiry Date you will be considered to have purchased the course on the date you make the initial payment.
  • The amount and due date of the second payment will be confirmed in an email and invoice sent to you.
  • WRT reserves the right to suspend access to my online course in the event that you fail to pay any part of the course fees as and when it falls due for payment
  • Should you fail to pay the second payment or any agreed payment plan you acknowledge and agree that:
    • Your enrolment and access to the course will be suspended
    • Your outstanding account balance will become immediately due and payable
    • The outstanding debt will be forwarded to a debt collection agency
    • You may also be required to pay additional fees associated with the debt collection process.

8. Course materials

You acknowledge and agree that:

  • An online induction is provided to ensure you have a full understanding of the course, course navigation, requirements and how to request support. Additional instructions are also provided at various points throughout the course.
  • Course materials are supplied in an online environment, and once enrolment has ended, access is denied. Therefore, it is your responsibility to save and/or print content as required for reference purposes.
  • The content of the online course materials, including copyright and all other such intellectual property rights contained therein, remain the property of WRT.
  • No reproduction or distribution any part of the course material, including but not limited to all assessment, content and supporting documents can be made without the prior written consent of WRT.

9. WRT account

You agree that your WRT account is for your personal use only and that you will not disclose your username and password to a third party.

You agree that you will use your WRT account responsibly and for the purpose of purchasing, accessing and carrying out online courses and learning only.

WRT may without prior notice, remove or disable your account and/or access to the course, and other online courses and content if it finds you to be in violation of these Terms, the Course Provider’s current policies or standards, or if your use of your account may otherwise may be harmful or objectionable to the Course Provider, students, users, third parties, or property.

10. Course extension policy

The Course Provider will not be obliged under any circumstances to extend the period of your enrolment if you have not completed the course in the Course Timeframe.

However, if you wish to continue with your course beyond the Course Expiry Date, you can make an application for a course extension. A request for a course extension must:

  • Be made in writing
  • Give a reason for the request
  • Be received fifteen business days prior to the Course Expiry Date

If the Course Provider agrees to a course extension you will be charged an additional fee of $250 for a three month extension and $500 for a six month extension.

11. Withdrawal from the course

If for any reason; personal or medical you cannot continue your studies, you have the option to apply for withdrawal. A request to withdraw must:

  • Be made in writing
  • Give a reason for the withdrawal 
  • in the case of an online course, be made before the Course Expiry Date
  • in the case of a tutorial, be made before the date of the tutorial.

The Course Provider reserves the right to withdraw you from the course in the following circumstances:

  • For misconduct or misuse of your account.
  • If you do not complete an online course within the Course Timeframe (unless you have been granted a course extension).
  • If you fail to meet any Course Prerequisites within fifteen business days of a request to do so or before the Course Expiry Date.

12. Refund policy

You may request a refund following withdrawal from a course, however the following conditions apply:

Online courses

  • The enrolment fee is non-refundable.
  • Of the remaining course fee:
    • A full refund is available by giving written notice, provided you have not commenced the course.
    • Online courses are considered to have commenced once a student has started the first module of the course.
    • A component refund is available by giving written notice prior to commencing that component (Theory or Practical).
    • Theory components are considered to have been formally started once a student has started a theory module.  Practical components are considered to have been formally started once a student has submitted a practical module.
    • No refund is available if we do not receive your written request within 10 business days of your withdrawal from the course.
    • No refund is available after the Course Expiry Date.
    • Consideration will be given to hardship. Requests for refunds should be sent to [email protected]


  • A refund for a paid tutorial is available by giving five business days’ written notice prior to the start date of the tutorial.
  • Requests for refunds should be sent to [email protected]

13. Statement of Attainments

  • A statement of attainment will only be issued for units that have been satisfactorily completed and paid for.
  • If a refund has been issued, a statement of attainment will not be granted for any units that have been refunded either wholly or partially.
  • A statement of attainment cannot be issued without a USI.

14. Recognition of Prior Learning

For accredited courses, credit may be granted for studies completed at any Australian authorised issuing organisation, such as an RTO, school or university. Credit may also be granted for skills and knowledge achieved outside a formal education and training system. If you think this is something you want to explore further, please contact us on 1800 842 100 for detailed information on this process for your course.

15. Unique Student Identifier (USI)

You need a USI upon enrolment on one of the Pest Technician Courses. A statement of attainment cannot be issued without one.

USIs are obtained from the government and if you have completed vocational training before you may already have one. For more information on USIs, including how to apply for one, click here:

16. Equipment needed for Pest Technician Courses

You acknowledge and accept that you will need access to the following equipment to complete the practical assessment part of the Pest Technician Courses:

  • Personal protection equipment (PPE): goggles, hat, gloves, face respirator
  • Overalls (cotton or disposable)
  • Hand-held sprayer
  • Hand duster
  • Gel applicator
  • Rodent bait station
  • Torch
  • Ladder
  • Chemical spill kit
  • Smartphone camera or other video camera that can create MP4 video files

17. RTO status

You acknowledge and accept that WRT is not a registered training organisation (RTO). This means that although we can provide training and assessment, we are not authorised to issue nationally recognised qualifications or statement of attainments on our own. For the Pest Technician and Timber Pest course (Working in Industry) we work with Rentokil (RTO no. 40919) under a third party agreement and they issue the statements of attainment for these accredited courses.

18. Acceptance of Terms

By accepting these Terms of Service:

  • You are warranting that you are 18 years of age or over
  • If you are applying to enrol on the Pest Technician Courses you will provide:
    • Your Unique Student Identifier (USI) before commencement of an accredited course
    • You will conduct the mandatory Language, Literacy and Numeracy (LL&N) test before commencing any of the modules for an accredited course.
    • You will provide photographic proof of your identity for an accredited course.
    • You acknowledge that your acceptance declaration will be recorded on our database
    • You agree to participate in the assessments and (where applicable) the recognition of prior learning process with authenticity and honesty
  • You acknowledge that this declaration is true and correct with the understanding and belief that a person who makes a false declaration is liable to prosecution.